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SafeRed® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain is the third generation nonmutagenic fluorescent nucleic acid gel st

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SafeRed® can directly replace EB without changing the existing imaging system since SafeRed® and EB have the similar spectra. SafeRed®can also be used to stain dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA in polyacrylamide gel via post gel staining. Gel staining with SafeRed®is compatible with downstream applications such as gel extraction and cloning. SafeRed®is efficiently removed from DNA by phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation.


1) Relative Safety: Nonmutagenic and noncytotoxic

2) Easy disposal: Safe to dispose in the drain

3) Good Compatibility: Spectrally compatible with all the existing instruments

4) High Sensitivity: Higher signal but lower background

6) High Stability: can be stored at RT and microwavable

屏幕快照 2020-03-16 11.11.57.png

截屏2020-07-27 15.08.16.png

